Tuesday, March 11, 2025

What Type Of Government Does Somalia Have?



Friday, March 11, 2022-Somalia lacks legitimate, effective national government.The four-year term of Somalia’s president, formally ended  On 8 Febrauray 2021. With the federal parliament’s mandate also expired as of December 2020, Somalia now, for all intents and purposes, lacks legitimate, effective national government that is the reality on the ground.


Where is the Somalia’s state-building process?.


After three decades or 30 years of war since the collapse of military dictatorship in 1991, Somalia has struggled to re-establish a functional central government.Since 2000-2012  there was a transitional government. In 2012-2016 Somalia’s new federal government received international recognition for the first time in over 20 years.


Somalia Indirect Presidential and Legislative.


Somalia indirect presidencial and legislative elections originally scheduled for December 2020, Somalia’s electoral calendar has been repeatedly delayed for several times already.The senate selection process was completed in November 2021. The selection of members to the Lower House of Parliament is slated to be completed by March 15,2022 or after 4 days from today.It's very sad that after 20 years since 2000 to 2022 Somali's continues to operate under an indirect, multistage electoral system where 54 senators are elected by 5 state assemblies, and 275 members of Somalia’s Lower House of Parliament are selected by 27,775 delegates nominated by clan elders.  Collectively, these senators and parliamentarians then select the president among a list of candidates.


Now the real problem is centralist agenda VS Federal System.


1-Constitutional crisis started when Somalia’s federal government is still a provisional authority, anchored in an incomplete constitution that requires the nation’s leadership to carry out three core tasks to complete Somalia’s political transition: A-Review the  provisional constitution.  B- Build out the federal architecture.C- Develop an appropriate  electoral system or one person one vote. These formidable challenges – and the failure to achieve them – lie at the heart of Somalia’s persistent instability and insecurity of the country.D-The Somali’s constitution is not working,why?. because When there is no proper accountability and transparency, government policymaking becomes sloppy and that is why Somalia crisis deepens.After all people of Somalia  is missing  responsibilities that every government has towards its citizens and this political crisis my continues in Somalia years to come.

Hiranstate Admin at 1:20 PM
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